Customer Service Guarantee Waiver

By executing this CSG Waiver you agree to waive in whole your Customer Service Guarantee Rights (CSG) under Part 5 of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 2000 in relation to ACN ‘s VoIP Service. Please read the following paragraphs carefully as they contain important information affecting your rights.

(1) The Customer Service Guarantee (“CSG” ) can be found on the Australian Communications and Media Authority website (

(2) Part 5 of the Telecommunications (Customer Service Guarantee) Standard 2000 (No.2) allows ACN to propose that you waive in whole, the protections and rights provided to you under the CSG.

(3) ACN Pacific Pty Ltd ‘s VoIP Service is offered over the Internet and thus we are able to offer lower set up fees and call costs. This also means however that if the Internet is not working you will be unable to make Phone Calls. Furthermore your equipment will be affected by a power outage. Thus you will not be able to make calls via our VoIP Service during a power outage.

(4) By agreeing to this Waiver you agree to waive all your protections and rights under the CSG. So that ACN Pacific Pty Ltd may continue to offer its VoIP Service at lower costs, we require all of our customers to waive their rights afforded by the CSG.

(5) The protections and rights you are waiving are:

Provision of written information to you, at least every two years about:

The performance standards that apply to supply of specified services;
The obligations of the service provider under those standards;
The customer’s entitlements to damages under the Act for contravention of the performance standards and
On request, the provision of information about a performance standard.
Guaranteed maximum connection periods
The prescribed maximum timeframes within which connection to services should occur.
Guaranteed maximum rectification periods
The prescribed maximum timeframes within which rectification of service faults should occur.
Making and changing appointments
Our requirement to make appointments for purpose of service installation or fault restoration at times that are convenient for you that are either for a particular time of the day or nominate a five hour period during which the appointment will occur, and
Changing appointments by giving at least 24 hours notice by obtaining the agreement of the customer to the change.
(6) For specific details of the protections described above, please refer to the “Consumer Fact Sheet – Telecommunications (Customer Service Guarantee) Standard 2011

(7) This Waiver will take effect seven days from the date of you agreeing to it, unless you notify ACN in writing that you no longer wish to waive your rights under the CSG. You are under no obligation to the waive the CSG but if you do so notify ACN Pacific Pty Ltd that you no longer wish to complete the Waiver, we reserve the right not to provide the service to you. If you do not understand the waiver ACN Pacific Pty Ltd recommends you contact the Australian Communications and Media Authority or seek independent advice.

(8) If you have withdrawn your CSG Waiver and ACN Pacific Pty Ltd chooses to provide the service to you then any applicable Installation Fee will be at the Standard Installation Fee rate as indicated on the Registration Form.

(9) By agreeing to waive your protection and rights afforded by the CSG you will not be able to claim compensation from us for any failure by us to meet the prescribed performance standards.
I understand the protections and rights assigned under the Customer Service Guarantee (CSG) and freely and voluntarily agree to waive all protections and rights under the Customer Service guarantee with respect to the provision of VoIP Services by ACN Pacific Pty Ltd to me.*

Earning Statement

RVPs and SVPs (including Circle of Champions members) earn annual income achieved by fewer than 1% of ACN IBOs. Their success stories and earnings are extraordinary and not typical. Earnings as an ACN IBO are based solely upon the successful sale of products to customers and their usage of those products. Individuals will incur expenses in operating their ACN business, such as the sign-up fee and renewal fee, as well as other possible operating expenses. As with any business, earnings and success at ACN are not guaranteed but depend primarily on the individual’s commitment, persistence and effort. Individuals may not earn income and may lose money as an IBO.
