Gerard Frack
ACN Pacific
Audrey Rodda
VP Growth
VP Growth
Anthony Minichiello
(Keynote Speaker)
Entrepreneur and NRL Ambassador
Geoff Mulham
CEO of Direct Selling Australia (DSA)
Phuong Nguyen
Senior Vice President
MD Rahman
Senior Vice President
Senior Vice President
Memory Ahec
Senior Vice President
Terms & Conditions:
- No refunds, exchanges, cancellations or ticket transfers.
- New IBO tickets are limited to the number of IBOs listed on the team ID.
- Photo ID is required and must match name on ticket.
- Wristbands must be worn at all times throughout the event. Attendees without a ticket or wristband will be removed.
- Portions of the event may be reproduced for promotional purposes. Your attendance signifies acceptance that your image may be included in future publications and/or videos.
- As this is a business event, please note that children are not permitted to attend.