Fantastic news! Today, EnergyAustralia will be releasing brand new, highly competitive discounts today, 10 October 2016. These new discounts are exclusive to ACN and will allow you to confidently approach your small to medium business network with big discounts and great value deals. Think about all the small business owners you interact with every day – your hairdresser, your butcher, your corner shop owner – all these businesses would be very interested in how you could save them money on their energy bills.

These new small business plans will be available from 10 October 2016 to 30 November 2016. Each small business electricity meter you sign up will be worth 2 customer points and small business gas meters will be worth 1 customer point.

The discounts apply to usage charges only with the exact discount dependent on the state your small business customer is in. Here is an overview of the discounts available:


Gas: 20% discount

Electricity: up to 36% discount*

Part guaranteed and part ‘pay on time’ discounts plus a 12 month benefit term


Gas: 16% discount

Electricity: up to 22%*

‘Pay on time’ discounts plus 12 month benefit term


Electricity: 13%

‘Pay on time’ discounts plus 12 month benefit term


Gas: 15%

Electricity: 21%

Guaranteed discounts plus 24 month benefit term

These amazing discounts for small businesses are for a limited time only so run, don’t walk, to your small business network and let them all in on this exclusive deal.

*Discounts vary by distributor. Ts & Cs apply – see for details

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