Whether you like to chat for hours on end, surf the web in every spare minute, or do both, ACN has you covered.

For just $50 per month*, ACN caters for the heavy talkers with unlimited national minutes and a generous 3GB of data, or for the more web-inclined, there’s the 600 minutes plus a super-charged 5GB option.

If you want the best of both worlds, for just $10 more, our $60 per month* plan includes both unlimited national minutes and 5GB of data + a bonus 1GB^ if you connect before 30 June 2015! That’s 6GB of data per month!

What’s in a GB anyway?

We’ve provided an example of some of the ways customers commonly use their data to illustrate what you could do in a month with just 1GB:

  • Browse the web for around 2 hours
  • Use social media for 8 hours
  • Send or receive approximately 400 emails
  • Watch standard definition YouTube for 2 hours
  • Download 4 applications to your handset

Imagine what you can do with 6GB per month!

* Min cost = $100 ($50 Plan) or $110 ($60 Plan) including deferred activation.
^ Bonus data available to customers that connect to the $60 plan on or before 30/6/15 (unless extended or withdrawn earlier). Available for the life of your plan, but will be forfeited if you change plans or terminate your service.