1. Be transparent, authentic, honest, truthful, ethical and accurate at all times. Disclose your affiliation with ACN if you intend to discuss the business on your page
  2. Participate and give feedback. The two-way conversation should take place much like it would in person
  3. Create social media profiles that best fit your business. If you’re not familiar with social media yet, make your profile entirely personal. As you learn, you can add a business component (as long as it’s transparent that you are an ACN IBO)
  4. Treat people with courtesy and respect
  5. Communicate a positive message in an interesting and truthful manner
  6. Never engage in negative conversations
  7. When in doubt, refer questions to ACN

Using ACN, ACN Pacific, or any other ACN Product logos or product images on social media is not allowed without prior permission from ACN Pacific.

If you are following best practice policies and not spamming or filling your social media posts with hard-selling messages, you are reminding the world that ACN is a reputable and trust-worthy worldwide company.

For more information refer to the ACN Social Media Policy.

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